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Fixing inconsistent/bad data in a reasonably sized dataset

how i overcome silly mistakes...

Mon Apr 17 02:44:57 2023

Introduction to the dataset

The inconsistent dataset in question is my store of Last.FM data for users who opt-in for leaderboards on a Discord Server. It consists of ~280k tracks, ~160 albums, and 80k artists.

We must always assume data from Last.FM is unclean, it does make reasonable attempts to collate mislabelled data into one (typically by redirecting artists names to one main page). However, with the plague that is the metadata from Spotify (the source of most track titles and album names) it causes quite the pain when trying to show a user an accurate leaderboard for who listens to what.

a far better solution would be to use a system similar to musicbrainz for credits on tracks and albums - such a rework would be quite the endeavour for but if they're hiring someone to do that I'll take the job ;).

So what's the problem

The structure for this dataset is created in such a way to deduplicate text stored and in a fast and efficient way collate who listens to what.

An Entity Diagram showing the tables for artists, tracks and albums all linked to a users table
Structure of the database

When a user has their data updated, it gets COPY'd into the user_x_staging tables which have no indexes for fast inserts. The data is then merged into the live tables, this process uses PSQL Functions in order to return an ID, creating an entity if it doesn't exist. Here's the query that merges up-to-date artist listens from staging to live, and the fetch_artist function.

INSERT INTO user_artists(user_id, artist_id, listens)
    SELECT DISTINCT ON (LOWER( user_artists_staging.user_id,
        fetch_artist( AS artist_id, user_artists_staging.listens
    FROM user_artists_staging
        WHERE user_artists_staging.user_id = $1
        GROUP BY user_artists_staging.user_id, name, listens
    ON CONFLICT(user_id, artist_id) DO UPDATE SET listens = excluded.listens;

            IF NOT FOUND THEN
                RETURN QUERY INSERT INTO artists (name)
                    VALUES (
                    ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
                    RETURNING id;
            end if;
END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

You'll notice that in the function it selects artists by the LOWER of their name - quite often will artists that have mixed cases in their names have mislabelled data on Last.FM with the wrong case - by fetching regardless of case (and having only the first version be the case) we immediately remove lots of duplicate entries.

while writing this i noticed this wasn't the case in the dataset due to the data being quite old - however the links from user <-> artist should be accurate as duplicate names shouldn't be referenced thanks to the function using LOWER. ~0.02% duplicate albums, 0% albums (dataset was rebuilt) and ~0.68% for tracks

get on with it!! what's the problem

well for some reason unknown to current me the function for fetching a track based on title and artist name,